How To Avoid Jet Lag: Tips And Tricks That Really Work

Traveling can be exciting, but jet lag can quickly take the fun out of it. If you’re an 18-year-old student looking to avoid jet lag, you’re in luck! In this article, you’ll discover tips and tricks that are proven to work for avoiding jet lag. From adjusting your sleep schedule to getting enough water and rest, you’ll be able to make the most of your travels with these simple yet effective tactics. Keep reading for everything you need to know about avoiding jet lag!

Set your watch to the local time at your destination.

If you’re jetting off to a different time zone, setting your watch to the local time at your destination is key to avoiding jet lag. It might seem like a small change, but it’s essential to helping your body adjust to the new time zone. This means you should adjust your watch as soon as you get on the plane, not just when you land. Knowing the local time is especially important if you’re travelling to a place with a huge time difference, like from the US to Australia, so you can adjust your sleeping schedule accordingly. It can also help you stay on track with your daily schedule, so you don’t miss any important meetings or events. So, the next time you’re boarding a plane, don’t forget to set your watch to the local time at your destination. It can make all the difference when it comes to avoiding jet lag.

Stay hydrated

Jet lag is a real bummer, especially if you’re a student. One of the best tricks to avoid it is to stay hydrated. Drink lots of fluids before, during, and after your flight, and don’t forget to bring an empty water bottle for the journey. It’s also a good idea to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary drinks, as these can make jet lag worse. Another thing to keep in mind is to drink enough water throughout the day, even when you’re not traveling. Staying hydrated will help your body adjust to the time change and make you feel less groggy when you arrive at your destination.

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight.

Staying hydrated throughout your flight is a great way to avoid jet lag. I always make sure I drink plenty of water before, during, and after my long flights. This helps me stay energized and alert, which helps me feel better when I land. I also bring an empty water bottle with me and fill it up once I’ve gone through security. I find that sipping on water during the flight helps me feel more refreshed and also helps me stay away from the unhealthy snacks, which can make me feel worse after a long flight.

Get some rest on board the plane.

If you’re a frequent traveler, you know how hard it can be to adjust to jet lag. To make the transition smoother, it’s important to get some rest on board the plane. To make this happen, I recommend taking a neck pillow, eye mask, and earplugs. These items will make it easier to sleep in the cramped airplane seating, allowing you to arrive at your destination feeling well-rested. I also suggest drinking plenty of water throughout the flight, as dehydration can make jet lag worse. To further reduce jet lag, avoid alcohol or caffeine on the plane, as these can disrupt your sleep. Finally, make sure to move your body on the flight by stretching, walking around the cabin, or doing yoga poses. Doing this will help to get your blood flowing and reduce the chance of deep vein thrombosis.

Exercise during the flight

Exercising during a flight is one of the best ways to combat jet lag. I’m an 18-year-old student, and I’ve been able to make the most of my long flights by walking up and down the aisle, stretching, and even doing a few yoga poses. It might seem weird at first, but trust me, it helps. I also make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. So the next time you fly, don’t forget to get up and move around! You’ll be glad you did.

Do some in-seat stretches, take a walk around the cabin, or do a short yoga routine.

When you’re stuck in a plane for hours on end, it can feel like an eternity. Why not take advantage of the time and do some in-seat stretches, take a walk around the cabin, or even do a short yoga routine? Not only will this help you feel more awake and energized, but it can also help keep your blood flowing and prevent you from getting too stiff and uncomfortable. Plus, with a few simple props like a yoga mat or a travel pillow, you can do virtually any stretching exercise you can think of!

Eat light meals

As a student, I know that jet lag can be a real pain. Eating light meals is one of the best ways to avoid jet lag. Eating a light breakfast and lunch can help reset your body clock before you travel. Eating light meals with lots of fruits and veggies will also help keep you energized during the long flight. Additionally, drinking lots of water and avoiding caffeine or alcohol can help keep you hydrated and avoid feeling sluggish or tired. Eating light meals can also help you feel more refreshed when you arrive at your destination.

Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as these can make jet lag worse.

If you want to avoid jet lag, it’s important to cut down on caffeine and alcohol. Consuming too much of either can make jet lag worse, as they can throw off your sleep schedule. I know it can be tempting to have that extra cup of coffee or beer when you’re on vacation, but if you want to feel your best, it’s best to limit your intake. Not only will it help you adjust to your new time zone, but it can also help prevent dehydration, which can be a major symptom of jet lag.

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